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European Police investigates Iran’s secret agents

Early in the year 2000, after the escalation of activities of the agents of MOIS in various western countries, the police in these countries interviewed many of them and warned them against their relations with the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence. At the same time Karim Haghi issued a statement under the name of a society called "Peyvand" (an association established by agents of Ministry of Intelligence in The Netherlands) excerpts of which are as follows:
"Tuesday, 1 February 2000, an agent of Dutch secret service arrived at Karim Haghi’s place in Elst and …
after initial talks started reading names from a list in his hand which included Messrs:
1- Bani-Sadr
2- Alireza Nourizadeh
3- Bahman Niroomand
4- Khajeh-Nouri
5- Parviz Yaghoobi
6- Khanbaba Tehrani
7- Mehdi Khoshhal
8- Asghar Barzoo (Sweden)
9- Bahman Rastgoo (Germany)
10- Jaafar Baghalnejad (Norway)
11- Hassan Khalaj (Norway)
12- Aabed Haj Esmaili (England)
13- Hadi Shams Haeri (Holland)
14- Ghassem (Mohammad Tofigh Assadi, Holland)
15- Hassan Alijani (US)
16- Karim Haghi (Holland)
17- Mrs Nadereh Afshari (Germany)…
The secret agent added that there are more names that he cannot read for difficulty of pronunciation, and that’s why he stopped at that level. He also added that all of you are in contact with the Iranian regime and have formed a large network…
you must tell us who else is in contact with the regime…
we have enough information about your relations with the regime and know that your publication is being financed by the regime. We also know that Mr Shams Haeri is in touch with the regime and his contact with the Ministry of Intelligence is his brother. In this respect, too, he has traveled to Singapore once. Mr Parviz Yaghoobi, in France, is also in touch with the Iranian regime…
we want The Netherlands calm and do not like to have demonstrations and fighting here. It is best for you to abandon this sort of work at once and go after a normal life and think of your children’s future. We know that you hate the Mojahedin and they have caused you damage and ruined your life and future…
On the same day another secret agent was present at the parking lot near the workplace of Mrs Roya Roodsaz, Karim Haghi’s wife, and when she was about to get on her car he introduced himself and told her that he intends to talk to her. The core of the talks was about Karim Haghi’s activities and where the funds for Peyvand publication were coming from. The secret agent told her that Karim and his friends have formed a large network all of whom are in touch with the regime. Karim has once traveled to Cyprus…"
"At the same time two police cars followed another friend who had taken Mr Haj Esmaili to a train station. When Haj Esmaili gets on the train a person approaches him and starts asking similar questions."
"Simultaneously in three German cities, Cologne, Wiesbaden and Hannover, 6 people in groups of two approach Mehdi Khoshhal and Bahman Rastgoo and Mrs Naderh Afshari and ask about the type of communication and the circulation number of Peyvand publication, sources of its finance and … Also, in the first week of February, Messrs Shams Haeri and Mohammad Reza Eskandari and his wife Tahereh Khorrami were subjected to questions and answers. On February 9, two Dutch secret agents contacted Alireza Mohseni in The Netherlands and other than the names listed above ask him about his contacts with Fereydoon Gilani…"
NCRI’s Commission on Security and Counter-terrorism issued a statement on 15 February: "… in recent weeks, police and security bodies in The Netherlands, Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Canada and … have engaged in calling on a number of regime’s agents and warning them."
"As the agents of the mullahs’ secret service have reported to their superiors in various embassies as well as to the headquarters in Tehran, police has undeniable evidence like photographs and tapes of conversations of these agents with their contacts in Ministry of Intelligence. Police, also with detailed information, is aware of secret travels of these agents to Iran and other neighboring countries as well as movements of a number of them to Far East countries, like Malaysia and Singapore, back and force, in order to meet the representatives of the Intelligence Ministry. Likewise they are aware of travels of a number of these agents to Europe and America in recent months and also know about the expenses paid by Iran’s secret service. In some cases even amount of weekly or monthly wage and method of payment is known to the police."
In addition, police and intelligence organizations have been informed that mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry has given instructions to such agents as to the framework in which they should respond to calls from the police and other legal agencies and how to defend themselves under the pretext of "democratic rights".
… Police is aware of Karim Haghi’s relations with the Intelligence Ministry since 1994 as well as his trips to Cyprus and Malaysia and meetings with representatives of mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry. And they know that he facilitated sending Bahador Khorrami to Iran. (Bahador is an 11-year-old child who was tricked away from his legal guardian in Canada, by a gang from the Intelligence Ministry, and transferred to The Netherlands where he was kept illegally for some time and then kidnapped by this criminal gang and taken to Iran in secret).
– According to security police in The Netherlands, Ministry of Intelligence, using Karim Haghi, has tried to establish a network of its agents. Police has numerous photographs of Karin Haghi with official and recognized elements of the Ministry. Distribution of the publication called Peyvand, fully paid for by Ministry of Intelligence, also relates to this matter.
According to police’s information, the Ministry of Intelligence is paying those involved in this publication, whose names the police has in a list.
Haghi has used an Iranian passport with the first name of Mahmood, with German visa, for his travels. The Ministry of Intelligence in many instances uses Karim Haghi’s wife (Roya Roodsaz) for contacting him. Haghi, also, sends his wife to Tehran to deliver "sensitive reports" and to take "special instruction" from his contacts. One of his contacts in the Ministry is a torturer called Naseri. He is one of the two who, after the arrest of Hamid Khorsand were commissioned to arrange his freedom in whatever way possible.
Police is aware that Shams Haeri, through a close relative in Iran, is in touch with the Ministry of Intelligence. He was sent to Singapore to visit a representative of the Ministry and is considered one of the active members of the network.
– Police is also aware of a trip by Haj Esmaili to Singapore in order to visit the representatives of the ministry as well as the dollars he received from them. Record of ignominious cooperation of Haj Esmaili with torturers of the mullahs’ intelligence and embassies in England and The Netherlands has been widely revealed, such that other agents of the mullah’s intelligence abroad are trying to cover it up. Haj Esmaili is the same agent that before printing, in Mojahed publication, of a letter with his own handwriting and signature in which he had explicitly acknowledged that, he only had studied up to second grade in high school, the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry was trying to use him as a well established opponent of the regime with the title "Mr Engineer Abed Haj Esmaili, one of ex-leaders of the Mojahedin". Haj Esmaili, in several instances, has received thousands-dollar wages from the Intelligence Ministry. He went to The Netherlands some time ago and resided in Karim Haghi’s home. Simultaneously, Hassan Alijani also went to The Netherlands from the US and they held joint meetings with other agents and representatives of the Intelligence Ministry.
– In Germany too, the security police approached Ali Akbar (Bahman) Rastgoo, Mehdi Khoshhal and Nadereh Afshari, and told them of their knowledge of the details of their relations with the Ministry of Intelligence. For instance they had a question and answer session with Rastgoo about the funds he receives from the ministry for his cooperation with Peyvand publication.
– For preserving, protecting, and boosting the moral of its exposed agents who are in fierce fright and nervousness, the Intelligence Ministry has outlined the following instructions:

  1. Promote your relations with each other and exchange your experiences in dealing with police and the type of questions they ask. So that when the police approached anyone, he/she would be able to answer.
  2. Spread everywhere that this is a plot by the Mojahedin and their words trying to halt your activities.
  3. Spread everywhere that this move by the police is an international plot in order to close our mouths.
  4. Tell Nourizadeh, Bani-Sadr and Khanbaba Tehrani and others who have supported you in the past. They will help you.

It is interesting that each and every one of these agents are trying to repudiate police documents and deny their relations with mullahs’ Intelligence agencies.
Those who are actively engaged in the mullahs’ dirty campaign against the Mojahedin abroad are from several origins. The common denomination for all of them is that they are now working for the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry.