Engel: Tehran’s missile program continues to destabilize the region


The Iranian regime’s missile program poses a direct threat to our allies and continues to destabilize the region,’ Rep. Eliot Engel (N.Y.), senior Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a statement.

‘Iranian leaders should be on notice that the nuclear deal won’t excuse their continued dangerous behavior.’

In October, Iran tested a precision-guided ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, in defiance of a UN ban.

The U.S. Treasury Department unleashed sanctions against 11 people and companies involved in Tehran’s ballistic missile program Sunday.

The Iranian regime responded to the latest US-imposed sanctions by vowing to continue developing its ballistic missile program, State-run Fars News Agency reported on Monday.

A statement issued by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Tehran would not allow the United States to unilaterally stop it from upgrading its “defensive and deterrent missile program.”


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