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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismEIFA calls for urgent action on Sunni massacres by Maliki

EIFA calls for urgent action on Sunni massacres by Maliki

EIFA, 23 August, 2014 – The European Iraqi Freedom Association strongly condemns the savage attack by Maliki’s forces and by the terrorist militias affiliated with the Iranian regime, on a mosque in Diyala and the slaughter of at least 70 innocent worshipers and it calls for an immediate international investigation, as well as the trial and punishment of the perpetrators of this great crime against humanity.

According to the Diyala Governor, in this vicious attack on a Sunni mosque in Diyala Province in Iraq which happened at noon yesterday, August 22, the security forces played a key role and in addition to 70 dead, a large number of people were wounded. According to the news reports, after committing the crime, Maliki’s forces and the terrorist militias cordoned off the mosque, barring evacuation of the dead and preventing help from getting to the wounded.

This is a part of the criminal plan by Maliki, the Iranian regime and its elements in Iraq to eliminate the Sunnis and instigate a religious war in this country. According to a report published in the UNAMI website on August 20, Nikolay Mladenov, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, expressed his deep concern about the recent violent actions against members of the Sunni community in Basra Province and said: “at least 19 Sunni civilian men have been killed and a further 19 have been injured in a spate of targeted killings and abductions.”

Silence on the part of the international community, especially the United States and the United Nations, in face of the killing of Sunnis and the bombing of Sunni residences with explosive barrels by Maliki and the terrorist militias, on the one hand encourages the Iranian regime and Maliki in continuing with and intensifying these crimes and on the other hand paves the way for the growth and the strengthening of terrorist groups such as ISIS.
We call on the international community, especially the United Nations and the U.S. government immediately to strongly condemn this murderous crime and to prevent further slaughter of the innocent people by Maliki’s forces.

Struan Stevenson
President, European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA)