Egyptian sources accuse Iranian regime of Alexandria church bombing

NCRI – Some parliamentary quarters in Egypt are accusing the Iranian regime of being involved in a church bombing in Alexandria which left about one hundred dead and injured, according to the Kuwaiti daily al-Seyassah on Monday.

The paper said, “some Egyptian circles told a delegation visiting from Persian Gulf states that there is extensive intelligence that the Iranian regime is behind the bombing, which is similar to bombings carried out in Iraq and Yemen.”


An explosion outside a Coptic church on Saturday in the city of Alexandria in Egypt left at least 21 dead and 80 injured.

According to al-Seyassah, the Egyptian parliamentary sources said, “Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit warned the Iranian regime last week before the Alexandria church bombing about its meddling in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, other Persian Gulf states, and the Arab world’s internal affairs. Now, the regime’s terrorism has reached Egypt directly to incite sectarian clashes.”

The sources quoted senior security officials in Egypt as saying that this is not the first time the role of the Iranian regime, its intelligence agents and groups like Hezbollah has been made clear in terrorist acts in Egypt and other Arab countries.

The sources told al-Seyassah that “at least 20 terrorist cells tied to Hezbollah and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are in Egypt. Among their activities is to smuggle weapons, missiles and money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They also carry out bombings in Egypt because the country is opposed to the Iranian regime’s policies and expansionism in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.”

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