Egypt to ban Iran regime’s Arabic language TV

NCRI – Egyptian authorities have filed a lawsuit against Al-Alam TV network to ban its activities in that country and end its broadcast its broadcast on NilSat, Iranian regime’s state-run media reported on Saturday.  The authorities said that the network’s activities run counter to international media regulations.

Earlier in July Egyptian police inspected the Iran regime’s satellite TV network office in Cairo and confiscated its equipments and computers.

Al-Alam's main station is based in Tehran and run by IRIB – the Iranian state radio and TV service. It broadcasts on terrestrial airwaves to Iraq, as well as via satellite. The transmissions are believed to be broadcast from a TV relay station on high ground in Iran overlooking parts of Iraq.

Al-Alam's managing director in 2003, Hasan Beheshtipur has said that the purpose of the channel is to present the viewpoints of the Islamic world and "counter the monopolization of news channels by western countries".

He said "the network plans to fill the existing vacuum in news dissemination in today's world".

Al-Alam is highly active in Lebanon and Iraq promoting Islamic fundamentalism in the region.

Meanwhile, al-Mustaqbal Lebanese paper reported Friday that Egyptian police had arrested four Iranians who had established an intelligence network on Egyptian soil.

The captured cell reportedly admitted to plotting to wage a pro-Iranian regime propaganda campaign.

Two months ago Egypt also arrested a Hizbullah cell, supported by Iranian regime, operating in its territory. The authorities said the cell had planned on “hostile attacks” in Sinai.

Egyptian security officials said in April that 25 members of a Hezbollah cell had been arrested and another 24 remain at large.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit accused Hezbollah of engaging in "dangerous" activities "to harm Egypt's interests and twist its policy."

"The issue is much bigger than Hezbollah," Mr. Aboul Gheit said in a statement carried by the Middle East News Agency (MENA) the Egyptian official news agency.

In other statements, he has accused Iranian regime of using Hezbollah to gain foothold in Egypt.

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