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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismEgypt ‘concerned’ about Iranian arms for Houthis in Yemen

Egypt ‘concerned’ about Iranian arms for Houthis in Yemen


Egypt is concerned about reports of Iranian arm shipments to Yemen in the past few weeks at a time when there are international efforts to bring about a ceasefire in the conflict there, the Egyptian foreign ministry said on Thursday.

In a statement, foreign ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid said that the ongoing smuggling of arms, in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, reaffirms Egyptian concerns about the Iranian regime’s “regional behaviour,” Ahram Online reported on Friday.

In April 2015, the UN Security Council issued a resolution imposing an arms embargo on Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran’s regime.

“There are lots of questions about the contradictions between Iran’s official positions and its real actions which do not contribute to stability in the region but rather reflects the Iranian intervention policy in Arab affairs,” said Abu Zeid.

Egypt has been participating in the Saudi-led military coalition against the Houthi rebels in Yemen since March 2015.