Dutch Friends of a Free Iran condemn Paris attack


The Dutch Group of Friends of a Free Iran Dutch group

Statement on Paris Attacks
15 November 2015

Dutch Group Friends of a Free Iran (Dutch Group FOFI) strongly condemns the inhumane, vicious and unforgivable crime on Friday night in Paris.

Dutch Group FOFI extends its condolences to the people and Government of France and President Francois Hollande and expresses sincere sympathies with families of the victims.

This unforgettable tragedy underlines the need to gain an accurate understanding of the evil phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism terrorism.

The IS (Daesh) did not just appear out of nowhere. They have been nurtured by the extensive suppression on the people of Syria at the hands of Bashar Assad and his main sponsor, the religious dictatorship in Tehran.

This already resulted in the massacre of 300,000 people of Syria at the hands of the Iranian regime and Assad forces, and displacing half of the country’s populace.

We not only sympathies with the French people but also express our full support for a robust and decisive policy to eradicate this phenomenon. We believe such successful outcome requires a firm and united policy to support Syrian people removing Bashar Assad. So long as he is power with the help of Iran, Syria will remain a breathing space for terrorists. In this respect there should also be no compromise with Iran, since the regime in Iran is the source of instability in the region.

It was with this understanding that Dutch Group FOFI also condemned the massacre of 24 defenseless residents of Camp Liberty members of Iranian dissident group, PMOI/MEK, by the Iranian regime’s affiliated militia as a similar act of terror funded by Tehran.

The time has come for the international community to find a comprehensive solution against Islamic fundamentalism. We call on our government and the international community to stand firm in dealing with this ominous phenomenon by standing with the people of Syrian and Iranian people in their desire for change and establishment of democracy.

Prof. Dr. Henk de Haan
President Dutch Group of Friends Of a Free Iran
Former chair of FAC of Dutch Second Chamber

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