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Draft UN Resolution to Condemn Iran Regime for Supplying Houthis With Ballistic Weapons


NCRI Staff

NCRI – A draft United Nations resolution to condemn the Iranian Regime for allowing its ballistic missiles to get into the hands of Yemen’s terrorist Houthi group, proposed by the United Kingdom, the United States and France, was welcomed on Sunday by Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said that if the measure was passed it would help to hold the Iranian Regime accountable for its “exports of ballistic missiles” to their Houthi proxy group and for the Regime’s and “radical and aggressive” behaviour in the Middle East, including support for Hezbollah.

At the Munich Security Conference, Jubeir said: “In order to ensure that Iran comports itself with international law, we must have firmer positions with regards to ballistic missiles and with regards to Iran’s support for terrorism. Iran must be held accountable.”

Currently, Yemen is at the centre of a civil war between the Houthis and the legitimate government, as well as a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia who are supporting opposite sides in the civil war.

Iran has denied supplying the Houthis with ballistic missiles in violation of two existing UN resolutions; one related to arming the Houthis and one related to Iran’s creation of ballistic missile.

However, Saudi Arabia said that the Houthis do not have the necessary technology to create ballistic missiles and the US and independent UN experts have shown evidence that the ballistic missiles fired at Saudi Arabia by the Houthis shown signs of Iranian manufacture.

Jubeir said that the missiles fired by the Iran-backed Houthis were often used to “target civilians in Yemen as well as inside Saudi Arabia”.

The draft resolution, which must be adopted by February 26, is likely to face resistance from Iran’s ally Russia. To pass, the resolution will need nine votes in favour to pass the UN Security Council and no vetoes from Russia, China, the US, France or the UK.

It would renew UN sanctions on Yemen for another year and allow the Security Council to impose targeted sanctions for “activity related to the use of ballistic missiles in Yemen”.

The text was drafted by the UK in consultation with the US and France, before being given to the full council on Friday.

Meanwhile, the US has been lobbying for changes to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal- threatening to pull out if the flaws are not fixed- and for the UN to hold Iran accountable.

Jubeir voiced support for the changes proposed by the US, including the removal of the sunset clause, which allows restrictions to expire, and increased inspections at non-declared and military sites.