Despite negotiations Iranian regime announces new missile

The Iranian regime on Sunday unveiled two new missiles and two new drones it said have been added to its arsenal, in a ceremony attended by Hassan Rouhani.

The Ghadir, with a range of 300 kilometres (185 miles), is a ground-to-sea and sea-to-sea missile, the official IRNA news agency said. It is in the same family as the Ghader or Qader cruise missile, which has a range of 200 kilometres.

The other missile unveiled on Sunday, the Nasr-e Basir, is equipped with a seeker homing head. Its range was not given.

The unveiling of new missiles comes a day after Hassan Rouhani’s Defense Minister said that the regime shall not allow the missile program to become part of the negotiations with the P5+1 and that “Iran’s missile capability never was and shall never be subject of negotiations with anyone”.

IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan added: “Not only we shall not give any information about our scientists, but there shall be no access to this information either.”
Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister and top negotiator in nuclear talks with the world powers Mohammad Javad Zarif had also stressed earlier that missiles is no topic for the ongoing negotiations between the regime and the six powers.

“It will be wrong to assume that the only application of Iran’s defensive missiles that have not and will not be the subject of any negotiations is carrying unconventional weapons,” Zarif said in a joint press conference with his Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz in Tehran earlier this year and in response to a question by an Austrian reporter who asked if Iran did not have a nuclear weapons program then why it produced ballistic missiles which have Europe within their range.

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