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Consequences of Iran Regime’s Interventionist Policies and Terrorism in the Region


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Following the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, defying the Iranian regime’s interference in Lebanon and Arab countries and subsequent developments, the Iranian regime’s media outlets described the developments as sensitive and accelerating and worrisome.

The state-run Kayhan newspaper affiliated to the regime’s leader, Ali Khamenei, wrote: “The suspicious resignation of Saad Hariri, the Ansarullah missile attack on the Riyadh International Airport and the eradication of the Saudi princes by Mohammed bin Salman, are three very important events that are linked, a bit more or less, both to Iran and to the accelerating and decisive developments in the region and the end of ISIS’s rule. But how?”

“The main output of Hariri’s resignation was nothing but a political pressure on Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. These pressures began right after the implementation of the U.S. sanctions against Hezbollah, and the point here is exactly that.”

“The sanctioning of Lebanon’s Hezbollah is in some ways similar to the CAATSA sanctions… It can already be predicted that internal pressure will expand from the Lebanese spectrum close to the West in the coming days. There will likely be massive sanctions on the part of the United States and its allies against Hezbollah in the future. Some also believe that these adventures could be the beginning of a new war in the region, a war in which Hezbollah is a party.”

The enemy is trying every possible thing to change the situation in their favour. One day with sanctions, one day with threat, and one day with “negotiation and JCPOA”… (Kayhan daily, 7 November 2017).

The state-run daily Vatan Emrooz writes in its editorial: “The intensity of the developments in the Middle East region is now very high. Different actors seem to have come to the conclusion that time is running out fast. They are quick to make decisions and are more likely to try to execute them even faster….”

“The fundamental principle describing all the developments is that the system (regime) is imposing its principles on the Middle East. So rivals seem to have been gathered…. and the United States is trying to empower regional actors against the system.”

“The United States has come up with a traditional strategy of combining hardliners and moderates… America’s serious focus on using sanctions is rooted in that. You can even view Hariri’s removal from Beirut from this angle. This is where we should be vigilant about it,” (Vatan Emrooz, 7 / November / 2017).

The state-run Sharq newspaper affiliated to Rouhani’s band wrote: “With the resignation of Saad Hariri, it seems that the engineering of creating a permanent crisis in the Middle East, which is switched on starting from the Syrian crisis, has entered a new ominous, devastating process.”

“Our diplomacy should pay attention to the new situation in the region with precision and sensitivity,” (Sharq newspaper, 7 November 2017).

The state-run Ebtekar newspaper wrote: “With Hariri’s resignation, Riyadh now wants to smoothly shape the scene with the help of its agents. The goal is to drive Tehran to the point that Riyadh and its other regional allies like. Their priority is to limit the system’s (Iran regime’s) influence in Iraq and Syria (Ebtekar, 7 / November / 2017).

Another state-owned newspaper affiliated to Rouhani’s band warned the authorities: “The picture we have here is the scene of a regional war and a chain of international conspiracy actions to create a conflict,” (Jame’eh Farda or Tomorrow’s Community, 7 / November / 2017).