Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran strongly condemns attacks in Paris


November 14th, 2015

On behalf of the Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran, I offer our deepest condolences to the families of victims of terrorist attacks in Paris and express our solidarity with the President of the Republic, the government and the people of France in this tragic moment.

The tragic events in Paris showed us once again that extremism and Islamic fundamentalism is a global threat that has its roots in the founding of the religious theocracy in Iran. It was also a bleak reminder of the attacks against innocent French citizens in the streets of Paris by the Iranian regime agents in the 80s.

Humanity and the civilized world face an unprecedented challenge to defeat fundamentalism under the banner of Islam. The massacre of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Syria, an inexplicable support for Maliki in Iraq, and ignoring the destructive meddling of the Iranian regime in the Middle East have collectively resulted in ISIS. That is why the Iranian people call the clerical regime as the godfather of ISIS or “Abu Daesh”.

The state-controlled media in Iran have already called for a change in the policy of France in Syria to support Assad. This statement speaks volume in the description of evil intentions of Shia counterparts of ISIS in Iran.

To win this battle, we must be united not to accept the catastrophic situation in Syria, Iraq and Iran. Nobody is immune against these terrorists and as long as they have room to breathe, they use every opportunity to attack innocent civilians throughout the world.

David Kilgour, JD
Co-Chair, Ottawa
Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran

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