Canada’s Raymonde Folco supports fight against Islamic fundamentalism



NCRI – Raymonde Folco, a former Member of Parliament from Canada and a long-time supporter of the Iranian Resistance, has strongly condemned the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris which left 130 people killed.

Ms. Folco, who is Co-Chair of the Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran (CFDI), said in a video message: “The horrible terrorist events in Paris have not been successful because they have renewed our will and our strength to fight fundamentalist terrorism in all its forms.” width=”420″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

She expressed her sympathy and that of the CFDI to the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris.

She pointed out that since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, Islamic fundamentalism has taken root using the regime’s constitution as a tool and spreading terrorism to Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

“These events reinforce President-elect Madam [Maryam] Rajavi’s 1996 call for a united front against fundamentalism,” she said.

Ms. Folco declared her support for the members of the Iranian Resistance who are struggling against the mullahs’ fundamentalist regime.

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