Calls for urgent probe in suspicious death of Argentine prosecutor Nisman


A leading US lawmaker has called for an urgent independent investigation into the ‘suspicious death’ of Alberto Nisman, special prosecutor for the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association, who was found shot dead at his home in Buenos Aires on January 19.

Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen offered her ‘sincere condolences’ to the family and friends of Dr Nisman, who had been investigating Iran’s role in the 1994 terrorist attack against a Buenos Aires Jewish center.

She said in a statement: “The people of Argentina has lost a great defender of the rule of law and a fighter against corruption and terrorism. Alberto Nisman and my office were in frequent contact discussing the AMIA case and the threat that Iran and Hezbollah agents are to hemispheric security.

“Under these mysterious circumstances, I urge that an independent transparent and neutral entity to make a thorough investigation of the reality surrounding this death.”

Ms Ros-Lehtinen, chairwoman of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa, added: “As Attorney AMIA, Alberto was firmly committed to bringing to justice those responsible for the terrorist attacks of AMIA. In July 2013, President Kirchner denied that Alberto traveled to the US to testify before Congress.

“For years I have authored legislation condemning the attacks of the AMIA and I mentioned reports Alberto in our resolutions. Alberto appreciate being mentioned in our press releases fearing that people forget these terrible atrocities perpetrated by Hezbollah terror. “

US Senator Marco Rubio also said of Dr Nisman’s death: “The news out of Argentina regarding Dr Nisman’s death is very concerning on many levels. Given his long-standing work investigating Iran’s role in the 1994 terrorist bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish center and his latest report accusing Argentina’s president of attempting to clear Iranians of these charges, one cannot help but suspect foul play.

“The US House of Representatives invited Dr. Nisman to testify before Congress last year, but his government did not give him permission. I intend to explore ways to ensure Dr Nisman’s thorough investigation into Iran’s role in the AMIA and his lengthy reports on Iran’s penetration into Latin America receive the attention they deserve.

“I offer my condolences to Dr. Nisman’s family, and I call on Argentine authorities to ensure that a credible and transparent investigation into his death is carried out.

“I also urge the Fernandez government to resist any efforts to whitewash Iran’s true role in the 1994 bombing. America’s ambassador, Noah Mamet, should offer any law enforcement cooperation necessary to ensure such an investigation, and he should convey US support for Argentine authorities to continue Dr Nisman’s investigation.”

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has also called for an independent international investigation into Dr Nisman’s ‘suspicious death’ after he insisted he had ‘irrefutable proof’ that killers from Tehran carried out the 1994 attack.

It later emerged in the investigation that current Iranian regime president, Hassan Rouhani, had been on the special Iranian government committee that plotted the bombing.

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