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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismBritish general: Pakistan and Iran "backing Afghan attacks on British troops"

British general: Pakistan and Iran “backing Afghan attacks on British troops”

British general: Pakistan and Iran "backing Afghan attacks on British troops"Telegraph – Bomb attacks that are killing British troops in Afghanistan are being funded and supplied from Iran and Pakistan, a senior officer has said.

Major General Gordon Messenger also revealed that Taliban insurgents are altering their tactics to launch more long-range sniper attacks on Nato forces. A total of 309 British personnel have died in Afghanistan sine 2001. Many have been killed by improvised explosive devices, bombs planted along roads and pathways
The general, the spokesman for Britain’s mission in Afghanistan, said that UK forces and Afghan civilians now face an “unprecedented threat” from such devices.

Maj Gen Messenger told reporters in London that British military intelligence has found “evidence” that some of the IED attacks are being supported from outside Afghanistan.

“We are looking beyond Afghanistan in terms of the provision of some of the more sophisticated components and the provision of finance,” he said. “There is evidence that something is coming in from Iran, something is coming in from Pakistan.”

Some reports have suggested that military chiefs and intelligence agencies in both Pakistan and Iran are supporting the Taliban.

Last month, a London School of Economics report said that Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service gives extensive backing to the Afghan insurgency.

However, Maj Gen Messenger said there was no evidence of foreign “institutional” support for IED attacks in Afghanistan in the same way that parts of the Iranian regime backed bomb attacks on international forces in Iraq.

Britain is increasing the resources and personnel devoted to countering the IED threat. More armoured vehicles are being deployed and David Cameron has promised to double the number of bomb-disposal teams in the country.

Maj Gen Messenger said the growing effort is starting to show results, with more devices being detected and defused without detonating.

And Afghan civilians, “terrified” by the bomb threat, are increasingly reporting the suspected location of devices, and sometimes even handing in IEDs, he said.

But he conceded that there is a constant “arms race of tactics and technology” between Nato forces and their opponents.

Recent weeks have seen an increase in the number of British troops killed by gunshots.

Some military analysts have speculated that shows the Taliban are adapting to the increased British success in thwarting IED attacks.

Maj Gen Messenger said: “There has been an increase in a tactic which is more accurate single-shot fire rather than loosing off a magazine in our direction. Our tactics are evolving to counter it.”

However, he insisted that the increase in casualties from gunfire was “not statistically significant” and said: “We are not drawing too many conclusions from it.”

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