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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismBombing of passenger bus in Iraq condemned by Resistance leader

Bombing of passenger bus in Iraq condemned by Resistance leader

Bombing of passenger bus in Iraq condemned by Iranian Resistance leaderNCRI – Mrs Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance condemned the terrorist bombing of a passenger bus carrying Iraqi workers to Ashraf City, home to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), which left 13 Iraqi dead and 15 wounded.

She also offered her deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wished those injured quick recovery.

Demanding condemnation of this criminal act by the Security Council and other relevant international organizations, the president elect of the resistance said: “When the regime’s malicious campaign of demonizing the Resistance proved futile, the mullahs resorted to the most hideous acts of terrorism, including roadside bombings in the vain hope to break the will and firm commitment to freedom by the Iranian people. This time, though, they targeted innocent and hardworking Iraqis.

Mrs. Rajavi paid homage to the Iraqi workers who lost their lives in the criminal attack by terrorists dispatched by the mullahs’ regime and said they should be considered as martyrs to the cause of freedom since they gave their lives for it while working in Ashraf City, which the regime considers as the most important obstacle to its fundamentalist meddling in Iraq.

Demanding condemnation of this criminal act by the Security Council and other relevant international organizations, the president elect of the Resistance said: “Like always when the regime’s conspiracies and fallacious campaigns of demonizing the Resistance have not proven effective and have been crushed by the Iranian people and their resistance, the mullahs resort to showing their clutches and teeth, to drill and gimlet, to kidnapping and abduction, and to the most hideous acts of terrorism and roadside and street bombings, in the vain hope to break the will and firm avow for freedom of Iranian people and their brave sons and daughters. This time, though, crime and disgrace in the mullahs’ most cowardly fashion has caught the Iraqi people and their innocent and defenceless toilers.”

She added, “Facing worldwide condemnation of its hostile intervention to take away freedom of expression of the Mojahedin and the people of Iraq, with this hideous crime the religious fascism ruling Iran shed the blood of noble Iraqi workers and anguished Iranians and Iraqis alike. In doing so, the mullahs were hoping that their savagery and terrorism would undercut the anti-fundamentalist and anti-terrorist front in Iraq, not realizing that these crimes would further reveal the ominous objectives of reactionaries ruling Iran and strengthen unity and solidarity among the Iraqi people and democratic forces with Iran’s freedom lovers.”

Mrs. Rajavi hailed the Iraqi people who are trying to forge unified political, strategic and ideological front with the People’s Mojahedin of Iran. She said this tremendous social force can stand firm against barbarity and terrorism of the reactionary mullahs ruling Iran.