Blair accuses Iran after four troops killed

Daily Telegraph – Tony Blair accused “elements” from within the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism in Iraq after a bomb attack today killed four British soldiers.
The prime minister issued a sober statement on the steps of Downing Street following the troop deaths which coincided with the arrival back into Britain of 15 naval personnel seized by Iran. Although he said Britain “rejoiced” at the return of the abducted sailors, he called the troop deaths in a roadside bomb blast in Basra – which is only ten miles from the Iranian border – a “terrorist act” and insisted Iran was guilty of “backing, financing, arming" terrorism in Iraq. He also insisted that no deal had been struck to secure the release of the sailors and marines.

Mr Blair stopped short of accusing Iran of direct involvement in the latest deaths, which bring the number of British troops killed in Iraq to 140. However, Britain has frequently blamed Iranian agents for organising and funding attacks on coalition troops.

The prime minister’s stern comments come after Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad brought to an end a 15-day hostage crisis between the two countries. Appearing to win a diplomatic victory over Britain, Mr Ahmadinejad said the British sailors, who were seized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were being released as a “gift to Britain”.

Today’s troop deaths bring the number of British soldiers killed in Iraq this week to six, making it one of the deadliest for British forces since the US-led invasion in 2003.

The British convoy was attacked with roadside bombs, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire as it returned from an operation at 2am last night.

A Kuwaiti interpreter was also killed by the two night-time blasts, which the British military described as a "serious incident". Another British soldier was badly injured. Tony Blair said: "Just as we rejoice at the return of our 15 personnel, so today we also grieve and mourn for the loss of our soldiers in Basra who were killed as a result of a terrorist act."

Blair: terrorists "thwart the will" of democracy
He said terrorist attacks "thwart the will" of the democratic Iraqi government and international community.

"Now it’s far too early to say that the particular terrorist act that killed our forces was an act committed by terrorists who were backed by any elements of the Iranian regime, so I make no allegation in respect of that particular incident.

"But the general picture, as I have said before, is there are elements at least of the Iranian regime that are backing, financing, arming, terrorism in Iraq."

The largest blast, which went off at 2am local time, blew a crater in the road that was at least one metre deep and several metres wide. Local Iraqis gathered around the vehicles, picking military equipment from the wreckage.

One Basra resident said he saw at least one armoured vehicle ablaze and a second vehicle damaged. "I saw some soldiers being taken away, but I don’t know how many," he said.

Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Stratford-Wright, a military spokesman, confirmed only that there had been a "serious incident" during the night. The incident took place in Hayaniya, a slum area on the northwestern outskirts of Basra that is a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

In mid-February, British troops clashed with gunmen in the area, killing at least three. Tony Blair promised in February that Britain would begin withdrawing a quarter of its 7,000 troops stationed in and around the city of Basra in the coming months, paving the way for Iraqis to eventually take full control of the province.

The commander of British forces said last month the greatest obstacle to Iraqis taking control was the perception that it was lawless fuelled by the high number of attacks on British troops.

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