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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismBadr Corps commander and Maliki’s minister Hadi Ameri, along with some other...

Badr Corps commander and Maliki’s minister Hadi Ameri, along with some other Iraqi agents of Iranian regime visit Khamenei to kiss his hand

NCRI – Deeply concerned about regional developments, especially Qaddafi’s overthrow, the downfall of the Syrian dictatorship in the horizon, and the collapse of its regional front, Khamenei has for over a week now gathered his Iraqi agents in a show entitled the “World Assembly of Ahl al-Beit” in Mashhad on September 13th and the “Islamic Awakening Conference” in Tehran on September 16th and 17th. The velayat-e faqih’s objective in holding such shows is to prevent the collapse of his vulnerable front in Iraq and to strengthen his dominance over Iraq if regional revolts escalate.

The Iranian regime’s Iraqi elements taking part in these shows under the pretext of Islamic scholars included mullah Ammar Hakim, leader of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council; Hadi Ameri, commander of Revolutionary Guards 9th Badr Corps and Maliki’s Minister of Transportation; Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Ibrahim Ja’fari, leaders of Iraq’s ruling coalition; and others from the Sadr and al-Dawa gangs.

The abhorring scene of Hadi Ameri kissing Khamenei’s hand – shown time and again by the mullahs’ state-run TV– clearly shows the nature of Maliki’s government and its role as the puppet of clerical dictatorship. The Iranian Resistance revealed in its statement ‘Camp Ashraf Occupation No. 46’ on April 12th, 2011: “The Iranian regime’s Qods Force, has mandated a number of the al-Maliki’s Ministers to defend the April 8th murderous attack on Ashraf in their April 12 cabinet meeting, demanding that more severe measures to be taken against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)”. In that meeting, “Iraq’s Minister of Justice al-Shemri, from the al-Dawa party, along with the Minister of Road and Transportation, Hadi al-Ameri, defended the April 8th slaughter and called for killing of all Ashraf residents.”

Mullah al-Hakim, hated even amongst  Iranian regime’s affiliated groups in Iraq, said in his ridiculous remarks – dictated by the Qods Force – on September 17th during his meeting with mullahs within the ruling clique in Qom: “The terrorist Monafeqin (term used by the Iranian regime for the PMOI) group must immediately depart Iraqi soil… the members of this group can return to their country, and Iran has announced that around 100 members of this terrorist group have criminal records and must be prosecuted.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 19, 2011