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As Coronavirus Claims Over 27,000 Lives, Iran Regime’s Supreme Leader Calls It a Blessing

Khamenei with hypocrisy and deception instead of using the hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth, which is in his possession to solve the problems of the people during the Corona era, asks the philanthropists to help the people
Khamenei with hypocrisy and deception instead of using the hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth which is in his possession,  to solve the problems of the people during the Corona era, asks the philanthropists to help the people.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) announced on Monday that the coronavirus fatalities in Iran have surpassed 27,000. The number of casualties has been increasing, but the regime’s supreme leader in his remarks on April 9 called it a blessing.  

The remarks made by the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei in this regard make it clear that the regime is not only willing to help the Iranian people, in fact it wants to use the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to oppress Iranian people and prolong its life.   

Khamenei said: “As for the current issue of the country – the coronavirus outbreak – well, this is an epidemic and a test. There have been greater tests,d we have witnessed some in our country. This is not something extraordinary. These incidents happen in countries, although I’m not trying to undermine this issue, but we shouldn’t enlarge it. This is something that has happened and will be gone. Yet the experiences we will gain from this test, people and organizations’ activities could turn into an opportunity. If we keep these opportunities this test will turn to blessing and this threat will turn into an opportunity.”  

The regime’s policy since the very first day that the COVID-19 entered Iran was covering it up and then downplaying the situation. The documents obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization from the National Emergency Organization makes it clear that Coronavirus was directly transmitted from China to Qom and Tehran. By late January, several infected individuals were identified in Tehran and the regime had allocated certain hospitals such as Massih DaneshvarYaftabad and Khomeini to deal with these patients. The authorities tried their utmost to prevent any information about these cases from leaking out. 

Furthermore, while governments around the world extend the quarantine period along with providing financial aid to their people, the regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, ordered business activities to be resumed starting Saturday. In this regard, in his remarks on April 9, regarding Rouhani’s decision to resume business activities, Khamenei said: “The Coronavirus is a minor issue compared to many other problems. Therefore, it shouldn’t divert our attention from the conspiracies of our enemies. The arrogant states’ problem is with the Islamic Republic in its entirety.” 

Khamenei’s remarks, the criminal decision to send people back to work amid the coronavirus, and the regime’s cover-up and inaction, show that the regime tries to use the coronavirus outbreak to prolong its life. In other words, as Khamenei said, each death is “an opportunity and blessing” for the mullahs’ regime to continue its life.  

The regime’s founder, Ruhollah Khomeini, also considered the antipatriotic war with Iraq as a blessing. Therefore, it continued this war for eight years, killing one million Iranian citizens, paralyzing two million and displaced two million Iranians. The regime’s Ministry of Education announced on January 5, 1989, that during the war, it had sent 440,000 students to the front lines on minefields. Until recently, on October 30, the regime held a memorial service for 36,000 students who were killed by being sent to the fronts, under the pretext of “Memorial Day of Basiji Students.  

The state-run Sharq daily wrote on April 8: “The relationship between the people and government has reached a crucial point. The events of November 2019 and January 2020 (Iran Protests) and the kind of slogans used at the time and the rate of participation in the March elections, along with the international attitude of the U.S. government and targeting the Islamic system’s existence have created a situation that leaving it requires tough decisions.”  The reference to the uprisings in November and January and “death to Khamenei and Rouhani” means the people rejecting the regime in its entirety. This is the common theme in various state-run media.    

The regime has indeed taken the tough decision. The hardship and consequences of this decision will affect not the regime, but the people. The regime’s officials have all the facilities, so they won’t pay the price of this tough decision; it’s the impoverished section of society that would have to grapple with the coronavirus to avoid starving.   

The state-run Setarey-e Sobh in an article on April 8 wrote that such a decision will result in 70 percent of the population being infected by the coronavirus.  

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said: “For Khamenei and Rouhani, the lives and well-being of the people are worthless. They only want to protect their regime from the threat of uprising. The criminal decision to send people to work is a crime against humanity and will cause countless number of victims.” 

In a nutshell, the regime’s officials are trying in vain to keep their rule by sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Iranian people. Regardless of the regime’s efforts and what goal it pursues, the regime has reached its end, and it is unable to manage this crisis.    

As Mrs. Rajavi said on April 4Today, regime change in Iran is indispensable not only to freedom and democracy in #Iran but also to the health of each and every individual in Iran and to the protection of their houses, cities and villages against natural disasters.