Arabs must oppose Iranian regime and its plots, advises Kuwaiti daily

 NCRI – In an article penned by Dr. Iman al-Hashemi and published on November 15, 2009, the Kuwaiti daily al-Seyassah characterized the Iranian regime’s strategy as one that includes the establishment of a sectarian empire in the region and called on Arab states to stand against the regime’s plots and insatiable ambitions in Yemen.

In particular, the article highlights the Iranian regime’s efforts to incite conflict in Yemen and says: Arab countries must unite so that in the future they would avoid losing another Iraq and having to regret it. Today, Yemen has been confronted with a vicious and dangerous plot targeting its stability. The Iranian regime is clearly supporting the Houthi militias. Investigations conducted by Yemeni security organs and confessions obtained from those arrested confirm the clear role of the Iranian regime in funding and arming these militias in addition to spiritual and propaganda backing. The Iranian regime’s embassy in Sana uses official diplomatic cover and front organizations like the Information Center, the Trade Institution, and the medical branch of the Red Crescent of the regime, to play an important role in supporting the Houthis.

The decision of the Iranian ambassador to travel on land to Mecca for the Hajj ceremony and his insistence on crossing through Sadah region were not at all accidental. He planned to deliver funds to them personally, something that has been confirmed by security investigations.

Al-Seyassah concluded: It is an imperative for the Arabs to stand against the ambitions and plots of the Iranian regime, because if the regime were to be allowed to implement its plans in Yemen, the dimensions of its plots would consequently grip everyone else.

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