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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismArab League Warns Iran Over Its Intervention in the Region

Arab League Warns Iran Over Its Intervention in the Region


NCRI – 28th Arab League summit started Wednesday March 29 in the Dead Sea region in Jordan.

In his speech at the summit, Yemen’s president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi said that the Iranian regime is a sponsor of terrorism in the region, pointing out that Houthi militias and Saleh use weapons against civilians by order of the Iranian regime.

Meanwhile, Emir of Kuwait ‘Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah’ called on the Iranian regime to respect sovereignty of countries and basics of good neighborly relations.

Also the Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi implicitly warned the Iranian regime over its continued political and military interventions in internal affairs of Arab countries in order to impose its religious and ideological hegemony in the region, emphasizing that such efforts will be faced with unified, decisive reactions.

“… We see with extreme regret that some countries are taking advantage of the unprecedented conditions our region is faced with, so as to strengthen their influence and control over it. They politically and militarily intervene in the internal affairs of Arab countries while resorting to various justifications and excuses. And to achieve their objectives, they don’t care if countries’ entities are disintegrated or their unity and people’s health are threatened”, said Sisi.

“I frankly and honestly tell you”, he added, “that we need to have a clear and decisive stance against such interventions so as to send a conclusive message that we won’t allow any force, no matter to which country it belongs, to intervene in internal affairs of our countries and that all their efforts for imposing their religious and ideological hegemony in Arab countries will be faced with a united, decisive Arabic stance.”

Arab League summit also is a chance for Arab leaders to hold bilateral and trilateral meetings, in which the region’s most important issues will be discussed with the aim of … stances, leaving differences behind and achieving reconciliation.

In this regard, Alarabiya website has quoted diplomatic sources as saying “the summit will be focusing on Amman declaration, with supporting national security of Arab countries and emphasis on Arabic strategy in fight against terror being some of the declaration’s principles.”

According to the sources, Amman declaration will denounce Iranian regime’s continued intervention in a number of Arab countries and will ask Tehran to respect good neighborly relations.

Arab League summit will discuss the most important regional crises, including conflicts in Palestine, Syrian crisis, as well as Iranian regime’s interventions.

Saudi FM Adel al-Jubeir announced Wednesday March 29 that his country has upon the request of UAE agreed to host the next Arab League summit.