Arab League tells Iran regime to stop acts of provocation


Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Arabi said on Sunday that Iran’s regime was involved in “provocative acts” against countries in the region.

Arabi was addressing Arab League foreign ministers gathered in Cairo for an emergency session called to discuss attacks on Saudi missions in Iran and its interference in the internal affairs of regional countries.

Arabi called on diplomats meeting at the group’s Cairo headquarters to “adopt a strong and clear common position calling on Iran to stop all forms of interference in the affairs of Arab nations.”

The Arab League in a statement condemned the attacks on two Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran and accused the Iranian regime of failing to protect the buildings, Reuters reported. The statement also condemned a militant group found in Bahrain backed by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

In a televised news conference following the emergency session of the pan-Arab group, Nabil Al-Arabi said: “The Arab League won’t accept Iranian intervention in the Arab region and sowing sectarian strife.”

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir reiterated that Iran’s regime was interfering in Arab affairs and undermining regional security.

“These attacks clearly reflect the approach that the Iranian policy is taking in our Arab region specifically … with its interference in the affairs of the (region’s) states and instigation of sectarian strife and shaking its security and stability,” said Jubeir.

Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan called on Arab states to take a “clear stance” against the Iranian regime’s meddling in Arab affairs.

He said Iran’s regime intentionally avoided to protect Saudi diplomatic posts.

Al Nahyan, who heads the Arab Ambassadors’ Council, said the attack “took place under the nose and within the earshot of security forces.”

The Arab League is a regional organization that has 22 member states formed in 1945 to promote cooperation among middle eastern nations.


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