Another IRGC commander killed in Syria


In the latest series of Iranian regime casualties in Syria, another senior commander of the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been was killed in Syria.

IRGC commander as Saied Sayyah-Taheri was killed on Wednesday, according to state-run Tasnim News Agency affiliated with the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds force.

Sayyah-Taheri, who has been involved in killing Syrian people had had made four tours of assignments in Syria, according to the repot.

Sayyah-Taheri was also involved in putting down the Kurdish protests and suppressing political activists during 1982 uprisings.

The IRGC senior commander participated in the 8-year war with Iraq where he commanded a number of battalions.

The Iranian regime’s forces in Syria including members of Revolutionary Guards, Bassij and mercenary groups from Afghanistan and Pakistan have suffered many casualties while fighting for Bashar al-Assad.

Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the head of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC), noted in the burial ceremony for one of regime’s commanders in Syria: “The molding of ISIS and the Tikfiris, together with the events of the recent years, are all preparations for the coming of the savior. A positive consequence of this is the preparation of close to 200,000 young, armed forces in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen” (Fars News Agency, affiliated with the IRGC – January 12).

These claims by the Commander of the IRGC were aimed at cloaking Iranian regime’s consecutive defeats in Syria and to console the low morale of regime’s revolutionary.

As such, on the one hand the Commander of the IRGC acknowledges the warmongering of the Iranian regime in the region and its heavy and deep meddling of the revolutionary guards in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other countries and on the other hand employs reverse language and demagoguery to acknowledge the fact that the ominous caliphate of velayat-e faqih in Tehran has so much strategic benefit in the existence of ISIS and that they are on the same side.

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