An IRGC commander: Ahmadinejad’s group a hazardous deviation creating serious anxieties and warnings

NCRI – The commander of the political bureau of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Javani, described Ahmadinejad-Mashaei band as a corrupt, fraudulent, and power hungry group which has raised its ugly head within the regime.


In an article published by Fars news agency, the mouthpiece of IRGC, Javani described the crisis at the top of the mullahs’ regime as hazardous and said: “Our current condition in the highway of revolution is such that we are facing many serious signs and warnings. We have to take these warnings seriously in order to pass safely through this phase and this stage…. The danger currently threatening the Islamic revolution of Iranian people is the danger of deviation.”

IRGC’s political bureau commander wrote: “Today’s warning signs provided by religious leaders and opinion makers, demonstrate to us the danger of another deviation with a different form and content. Now, using the strategy of infiltration and succeeding to gain support of some ranking position holders, a corrupt, fraudulent, power hungry and satanic group, has created anxiety in the hearts of those loving the regime, and based on this very same anxiety, they have rung the bells of danger.”

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