Alain Vivien: We must stand in solidarity against extremism


NCRI – The people of France must support the Iranian Resistance in its struggle to defeat the scourge of Islamic fundamentalism, Alain Vivien, former French Minister of State for European Affairs, said on November 21 at a ceremony in the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Auvers-sur-Oise, north of Paris, to remember the 130 victims of the November 13 terrorist attacks in the French capital.

“It is in such difficult times for ourselves that we recognize true solidarity,” Mr. Vivien said.

“For years, the Iranian Resistance has been working to establish a democracy in their own country which respects the rights of women and men and to establish a government that eventually will enable this great nation to take its place among other great nations of the world.”

Mr. Vivien thanked the NCRI for holding the memorial for the victims of the Paris attacks. He also thanked members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq, for holding a memorial for the victims of the Paris massacre despite the fact that their own camp came under a deadly missile attack by agents of the Iranian regime in Iraq only weeks earlier.

He said that the Middle East is in turmoil and for too long the peoples of the region have not witnessed peace.

He accused fundamentalists such as the mullahs’ regime in Iran and the terrorist group ISIS (ISIL, Islamic State) of perverting the true meaning of the Islamic religion to pursue their own ominous agendas.

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