Ahmadinejad’s speech an opportunity to settle factional scores

NCRI – A speech by the Iranian regime’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became a battle ground for the regime’s feuding factions, with various groups chanting against Ahmadinejad.

According to reports from state-run news agencies, Ahmadinejad’s speech began as chants of “Mashai have some shame, let go of Ahmadinejad,” referring to Ahmadinejad’s advisor. It ended with chants of “An army is here for the love of the leader,” referring to the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.


Some other chants included, “Ahmadi, Ahmadi, we support you.”

The regime’s TV refused to broadcast the speech live. Ahmadinejad was speaking at an event marking the death of the regime’s founder.

In contrast to previous years, Ahmadinejad was scratched off the list of speakers at Khomeini’s death ceremony and instead spoke a day earlier with no other leading officials of the mullahs’ regime present.

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