Ahmadinejad delusional; his turn to change course or hardliners will stop supporting him

Javan website affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) called Ahmadinejad delusional and warned him that should he continue his course, the Supreme Leader’s band will stop supporting him.

In an article entitled “Now Is Ahmadinejad’s Turn”, IRGC affiliated website wrote on May 16 that:

 “It is important to note that a review of collective positions and actions by the hardliners demonstrate that thus far, they have tried not to blame the person of the President for the events and occurrences inside the government, and have treated him differently from the deviated current, but doesn’t such level of optimism and good will gesture toward the head of the government have a limit? And will they continue to support him at any cost? Obviously, the answer to this question is not very difficult, because it is now the President’s turn to clean up his surroundings and reject the deviated current, and in the meantime, by his own actions and words, respond positively to the good will of those whose hearts beat for the revolution.”

The IRGS affiliated website continues: “Of course, as one of the hardliners has properly indicated, Ahmadinejad needs to make a decision based on faith and thoughtfulness which necessitates breaking the bubble of delusion; it is hoped that with the efforts of the respected President, this important task is realized.”

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