Ahmadinejad absence fuels talks of Iran political crisis

NCRI – Agence France Presse on April 27reported: “President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s absence from a cabinet meeting Wednesday, his second no-show this week, and his absence from the public light since April 22, have fuelled talks of a serious political crisis in Iran. The hardline president disappeared from public soon after his failed attempt to get Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi to resign… Ahmadinejad was also absent Tuesday from a meeting of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution.”

AFP added that: “Such absence is quite unusual for Ahmadinejad, who is omnipresent in the media and is known for his near daily public appearances and fiery speeches. State media have not offered any explanation on his absence. But several websites and blogs close to conservative factions suggested that Ahmadinejad, by adopting the policy of an empty chair, has initiated a trial of strength to defend his prerogatives, which he believes are threatened by his ultra-conservative opponents.”

In another part of the report, AFP quoting the media linked to Ahmadinejad, said: Ahmadinejad told visitors that there was a “conspiracy” to reduce his power.

Borna News said: Ahmadinejad has decided to “settle the problem directly with the supreme leader.”

In the meantime, a reporter working for the daily Kayhan reminded Ahmadinejad in his blog Wednesday of the fate of former president Abolhassan Banisadr.

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