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HomeIran News NowSyrian Opposition and the Iranian Resistance Held a Joint Demonstration in Paris

Syrian Opposition and the Iranian Resistance Held a Joint Demonstration in Paris


 NCRI – on Saturday, December 24 a rally was held in front of the Iranian regime’s embassy in Paris at the invitation of ‘Syrian Revolution coordination’.

In this demonstration hundreds of Syrian people and the members and supporters of the Iranian resistance participated in order to protest the crimes against humanity which has been committed against heroic people of Aleppo by Bashar Assad and Iran regime’s forces and mercenaries, as well as condemning the attempts of the Iranian Guard blocking the evacuation of civilians and militants from East Aleppo.

The protesters waved flags of the Syrian revolution and the flags of the Iranian resistance, as well as slogans against Khamenei and Bashar al-Assad and the need to be held accountable before international courts.

Protesters chanted slogans like: “ Down with Bashar Assad” and “Down with Khamenei”, “Long live the Syrian revolution, long live the Free Syrian Army”, “expel the mullahs guards and militia mercenaries from Syria,” Khamenei and Assad are the butchers of Syrian people are war criminals and must be submitted to justice.

The protesters also carried banners like: “Maryam Rajavi: Aleppo is the icon of suffering and steadfastness in the world, Aleppo will not kneel and will rise again, free, tall and full of pride » Maryam Rajavi: Aleppo is the icon of steadfastness and eternal flame of resistance and a source of inspiration for all freedom loving people, « Assad and Khamenei have committed the greatest crimes against humanity in the 21st century in Aleppo and must stand trial »,« Aleppo is the heart of the eternal resistance and will rise from the ruins and will be the herald of the demise of the mullahs all over the region.

Participants in the rally chanted slogans “Khamenei is a Murderer”, “Bashar is a murderer”, “We must end the silence over the massacres in Syria” and “Syria will not kneel,” “the people will not tolerate”.

In this rally some Syrian, Iranian and French figures spoke on this occasion.

Mr. Ahmed Drickznla General Coordinator of the Syrian community in Paris, stressed on the unity of the Syrian and Iranian people and their resistance in the face of two dictatorships ruling on the two countries.

His Excellency Bishop Jacques Gaillot , whose presence in the rally on the Christmas Eve was not expected, surprisingly joined the demonstrators and gave a lecture in support of the Syrian and Iranian people and their heroic resistance against dictators and prayed for them.

Mr. Asadolahi read the special message of Iranian political prisoners to Syrian people,

On behalf of the Iranian resistance, Ms. Zolal Habibi, member of PMOI Central Council made a speech, following is the full text of her speech.

Dear friends, comrades,

We are gathered here today to voice our solidarity with the brave steadfast people of Syria in their struggle for freedom.

And from here we salute the brave people of Aleppo; Aleppo which President-elect of the NCRI, Maryam Rajavi rightly called the eternal symbol of resistance and an inspiration to the people of the region and all freedom seeking people striving to liberate themselves from the oppression of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran and its mercenaries.

Today we witness the destruction of Syria on day to day basis via social media, it was evident in recent weeks that Aleppo was occupied by the IRGC and its mercenaries, with over 25000 militias on the ground; while the international community idly sat by and turned a blind eye on the situation on the ground in Syria; this inaction against the greatest carnage and crime against humanity in the 21st century is an inerasable stain, a shame and a mockery of the international community.

In recent weeks it has become more evident and clear that the Iranian regime is the source of crisis in the region and the killings in Syria, and we will only witness peace and tranquility in the region once the Iranian regime is evicted from the region.

Tonight, millions around the world honor and celebrate the birth of Christ, this Christmas eve we wish that the oppressed people of Syria and Iran will also see the face of peace, joy, and prosperity.

And we call on people around the world to join in solidarity with the brave people of Syria for freedom and democracy and keep them in their prayers tonight.

Syria and Aleppo are in our hearts and the message of the martyrs and victims will resonate through time; as we vow to continue this struggle till the dawn of freedom