Statement by Political Prisoners in Evin, Gohardasht, Karaj, and Greater Tehran Prisons on the World Day Against the Death Penalty


According to Iran National Television (INTV), the Iranian opposition TV network, on the occasion of the World Day against the Death Penalty, political prisoners issued statements commemorating this day and calling for the abolishment of the death penalty in Iran. These prisoners are the supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), detained in the religious fascism dungeons. They have accepted high risks to their lives by issuing these statements.
The political prisoners detained at the Greater Tehran Penitentiary, also known as Fashafuyeh issued a statement on October 7, 2020. “The abolition of the death penalty is the demand of the Iranian people. The third item in the Ten-point Plan [for the future of Iran] of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi [the opposition leader], who represents the Iranian people’s hope for the free Iran of tomorrow, says: ‘We support and are committed to the abolition of the death penalty.’ We, the political prisoners detained at the Greater Tehran Penitentiary, condemn the death penalty in Iran, and want an Iran without execution and torture. The regime’s Supreme Leader has preserved his grasp on power for 40 years by using the gallows and the firing squads. The Mullahs’ regime hanged two rebellious protesters, Mostafa Salehi and Navid Afkari, after the major Iran protests and murdered 1500 protesters. The regime’s crimes are not limited to these; they confiscated Mostafa Salehi’s home from his orphaned children. Of course, this is surprising. After the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, by any measure a genocide and a crime against humanity, the mullahs have committed countless atrocities,” read the statement.
The political prisoners at the notorious Evin prisoners also issued a statement on October 8. They wrote: “In their 40 years of ominous and disgraceful rule, these anti-human mullahs have used execution as a tool to oppress people and establish an atmosphere of fear and repression; and have profited from their actions.
The execution of over 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988, which was carried out according to a fatwa by then-supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini, displays the regime’s brutal nature in using this heinous act to oppress any voice of dissent or thwart any uprising. Therefore, all those criminals involved in this crime, including [Ebrahim] Raisi [current Judiciary Chief], [Mohammad] Moghiseh [The regime’s so-called Revolutionary Prosecutor] [Hossain-Ali] Nayeri, [Deputy of the regime’s Supreme Court and President of the Supreme Disciplinary Court of Judges] and [Mostafa] Pour-Mohammadi [former Minister of Justice] should be held accountable and face justice for playing a direct role in this massacre. Since the execution is indispensable to this criminal regime, any serious campaign or action against the death penalty, underlines the necessity of the regime’s downfall. This will be achieved by T [MEK’s] Resistance Units. We support the abolishment of the death penalty as articulated in the third item in Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-point-Plan for the future of Iran.”
In a separate statement, political prisoners in Karaj Central Prison also expressed their opposition to the death penalty and torture. The statement reads: “Within the last 40 years, the inhuman regime’s countless tortures and executions, have brought about the darkest era of Iran’s history. Appointing one of the main perpetrators of the 1988 massacre, Ebrahim Raisi as the Judiciary Chief, who proudly defends his crimes, is disgraceful. The regime’s crimes include the torture and executions of 1981-1988 and the recent executions in Isfahan and Shiraz prisons, as well as the endless line of the detained young protesters of the recent uprising marching toward towards the gallows. The regime’s atrocities in different prisons across Iran in using the death penalty, make us more determined to say ‘NO’ to torture and execution in the future of Iran.”
Finally, the political prisoners in Gohardasht prison, in Karaj, west of Tehran, also issued a statement in the early days of October. This statement reads: “Iran is repressed and shackled. To preserve their ominous rule, both the mullahs’ and Shah’s regimes have been denying the Iranian people their basic right to life, and have sent the best men and women of this country to the gallows. The mullahs’ inhuman regime, like its predecessors, uses execution as a tool to oppress people’s rightful protests and uprisings. All the while, the shackled Iranians see their dreams, namely freedom, and democracy, which is repressed by the mullahs’ regime, are revived in vanguard resistance movement embodied in the MEK and led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.”

The Foreign Affairs Committee
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 10, 2020


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