Teacher’s Union Representative: Iran regime does not have even 1% of the popular vote


NCRI – In an interview published on the net on October 20, Hashem Khastar, representative of the Teacher’s Trade Association in Khorasan, regarding election of the Association’s representatives said: “The day will come when the Iranian people elect their true representatives themselves, whether in parliament or in the presidential election, or others… and come out of this maelstrom of humiliation and poverty.”

Excerpts of Mr. Khastar’s interview:

“These rulers not only do not have the merit and the ability to handle anything, but unfortunately they are only thinking about their personal, factional and family interests.”

“All tyrants have to use intimidation, repression and terror in order to stay in power because they are not elected by people’s votes. Perseverance and steadfastness of the teachers in prisons has awakened the nation, and I am sure that Iranian teachers and others will not allow their representatives be imprisoned like other teachers.”

“I have repeatedly said that the situation in the country is like a barrel of gunpowder, and every moment a detonator may act and the barrels explode. The establishment itself has created this barrel bomb. I see the upcoming elections full of tensions and it wouldn’t be convenient and easy elections for the regime. People are woken up and reached awareness.”

“This is a fact not a courtesy or comity. People are disappointed at the government, and do not accept the regime at all. I dare to say that this regime does not even have 1% of the popular vote. There are just a few people who have personal interests and benefit from the regime and plunder the country. The country’s wealth, the national wealth has no value or meaning for them.”

Note: Mr. Hashem Khastar has signed and supported the statement of Justice-Seeking movement regarding massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 in Iran and has publicly announced it.


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