Statement by ‘Dr. Mohammad Maleki, the first president of Tehran University’ on the occasion of the ‘Student Day’ (December 6th)


NCRI – Presented to the Martyrs of Universities….

In the name of God

82 years of struggle on the path to freedom and equality
A message to my children, university students

My dear children….

In old age and being in hard ill conditions, once again I want to talk to you who build the future of Iran:

I would like to remind you, the freedom lovers and the generation that is born many years after that day and those events, the sixty-third anniversary of the “Student Day” … that was accompanied with the uprising for the freedom of our nation. Over the past 82 years since the foundation of Iran’s first university (Tehran University), you have been the vanguards of strugglers who seek change and fight dictators. There has been few developments in the country in which the students and academics have not had a prominent and basic role.
My dear Mojahed and freedom-fighter children…

As your old father, who has relentlessly cried and suffered so much for freedom and has been in prisons, and tolerated tortures, and along with his family has experienced many difficulties, I have come to the belief that changes are going to happen in our country. Today, we all together, more united than ever and hand in hand, need to take firm steps to this transformational movement that stems from previous experiences…by taking lesson from tyrannies, especially the ‘velayat-e faqih’ regime. This will enable us to not be deceived by manipulators, including disclosed mullahs and others, who have chanted slogans a lot for freedom in recent years, but were practically nothing.

A movement must be held, a movement that has occurred in our country since more than a hundred years ago, since the constitution movement and uprising of ‘Sardar Jangal’ and national movement led by ‘Dr. Mossadeq’, and the revolution against despotism in 1978… all of which failed because they were betrayed and theft by internal and external agents. And our nation experienced what we are now witnessing today.

My dears…

If we only take a look at the events of the past few months, it becomes clearer to us than ever that the ‘velayat-e faqih’ is stuck in all-round corruption, and is going to die soon. There is no hope to save this patient whose whole body is infected; an infection that is pushing this patient to the state of distinction every moment.

The audio file of ‘Ayatollah Montazeri’, which the government tried for years to prevent it from disclosing, has shed light on many facts and has shaken the society, and especially those who couldn’t believe that this so-called Islamic government would commit such crimes, as you can see and hear.

The crimes that the mullahs committed against the university students and other intellectuals, especially in 1980s, opened many eyes and ears to believe who are ruling this country under the banner of God and religion are in fact criminals who have spared and are sparing no crime for their survival…

I am asking my children, the university student, to not let the will of these regime, which is to let these crimes sink into oblivion, be realized, and the issue of justice-seeking be forgotten. The justice-seeking movement is raised and discussed and studied by various circles, especially the students. We should all demand holding international tribunals to address the crime against humanity whose most victims have been and are students and university faculties.

In your meetings and slogans never forget innocent prisoners such as ‘Abdul-Fattah Soltani’, ‘Narges Mohammadi’, ‘Arash Sadeghi’ and his wife ‘Golrokh Iraii Ebrahimi’, ‘Mohammad Ali Taheri’, ‘Ali Moezzi’, ‘Sedigheh Monfared’ and other political prisoners.

My dear children…

Some issues are about our country today; in other words this regime is not qualified to stay in power, neither morally, nor humanitarian, or socially, etc. You are Iran’s future leaders who should lead Iran toward freedom, prosperity and equality.
Unity is the first condition for victory, and I promise to be with you to my last breath until we achieve freedom. Do not forget that universities are bastions for freedom of this nation, and I kiss your hardworking hands. Be successful and victorious.

Dr. Mohammad Maleki
December 4, 2016



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