Silent war in Iran’s roads and streets takes its toll

Car accident in IranLast week, a member of Iranian regime’s parliament presented shocking statistics about the number of victims of car accidents in Iran and said that “there is a silent war in our streets and roads.”

He also referred to the devastating conditions of the Iranian regime’s aviation and told members of the mullahs’ parliament: “You know well about the problems in our aviation. The problem is that we, the MPs, are afraid to take a plane.

“Last month alone 770 persons were killed in car accidents.  Each day at least 25 persons are killed. Last year alone 23,000 lost their lives and 280,000 injured.  That means that every day 760 persons and every hour 31 persons are injured,” he said.

“In Germany, a country in which 80 million vehicles are on the road, last year only 4,500 persons were killed in accidents, but in Iran with only 18 million vehicles, in the same period, over 23,000 have been killed,” the MP noted.

Expressing fear, he said: “Two weeks ago I wanted to take a plane but my child begged me to go by car. What I want to say is that the fears have got to our houses too.”

He warned that “tens of strategic roads have turned into death traps and there is nobody to do anything about it.”

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