Satellite crackdown intensifies as Rouhani claims “easy access” for all Iranians

The Iranian regime’s repressive police has intensified crackdown on satellite viewers in the country.
State Security Forces have raided houses in cities of Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Bam, Yazd, and Minab confiscating satellite dishes.

Many residents in the cities of Bandar Abbas and Shiraz protested the raid but the security forces threatened them with arrest and payment of fines.
Hassan Rouhani – speaking in New York at Council on Foreign Relations in on September 26 – had claimed that “in Iran everyone has easy access to satellite networks, and you can even see dishes on rooftops in every village.”
The ongoing raid on houses to collect satellite dished continue in villages with the latest raid taking place in villages near the city of Minab.
Two days after Rouhani’s speech in New York claiming “easy access to satellite” for all Iranians, the security forces in the southern city of Shiraz used BMP1 armored personnel carriers and roller trucks to crush 800 confiscated satellite dishes and receivers in the center of city as a “symbolic act” and a “valuable measure to confront the cultural offensive staged by the enemies of the revolution and establishment”.
The event was held at the “presence of Shiraz city and Fars Province officials”.
The IRGC website in the province wrote in this regard: “IRGC tanks in Shiraz went to war against satellite dishes.”
This is the “second phase of the extinction of confiscated devices carried out in just one of the bases allocated for the plan to fight against satellite dishes,” the report added.
A number of dishes crushed carried the US flag with “Death to America” writings on them.


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