Plans revealed to migrate five million out of Tehran

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has revealed a plan by the Iranian regime for migrating more than five million Tehran province residents to other parts of Iran, according to the state-run website Tabnak on Sunday.

Ahmadinejad told a number of government officials, “Take the migration plan out of Tehran seriously; Spend some time thinking about it … It is doable no matter how difficult it may appear at first.”

Ahmadinejad pointed out that the intention for the plan is to reduce the challenges of Tehran city, from traffic to the potential for earthquakes.

But also inadvertently referred to some of the crises the regime faces, including an unbridled bureaucracy. Ahmadinejad said approximately one hundred thousand people are employed by the Ministry of Agriculture alone.

He added, “We do not reach the ideal result no matter how much investments we make.”


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