Pets, tinted windows banned from cars in Iran

NCRI – The Iranian regime has banned drivers for travelling with pets in their cars in the latest clampdown on personal freedoms in the regime.

The bizarre edict comes only a week after Iranian women were warned their cars would be confiscated for unchaste behavior, noise pollution or being improperly veiled while driving.

Now Tehran police chief Jamal Bazr Afshan has announced: “In line with the ‘moral security percussion plan’, Tehran’s traffic police will legally deal with any violators carrying pets, especially dogs inside vehicles, as well as creating noise pollution, using tinted windows and driving while not properly veiled.”

As well as a three-week confiscation of the vehicle, offenders also faced a fine of 20,000 Tomans for noise pollution, 40,000 Tomans for using tinted windows and 50,000 Tomans for women being ‘improperly veiled’, Afshan said.

The latest draconian measures against women and drivers come after the regime’s State Security Forces chief Ahmadi Moqqadam announced earlier this month that women’s clothing and even their shopping would also be screened by police.

He told the Mehr news agency: “A new round of moral and social security plans by the police will begin next month.

“Their aim is social and cultural and we are working ensure people do not hate us.”


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