Pain and Poverty in the City Where Iran’s First Oil Well Was Discovered


NCRI – Here people eat chestnut bread, as they don’t have wheat flour. Poverty on the outskirts of Masjed Soleyman, the city where Iran’s first oil well was discovered, is so much that people can’t afford a gallon of kerosene, and not even a bread.

“Poverty and deprivation in the villages of Masjed Soleyman is much more that what we expected, so much so that some people even can’t afford a bread to feed their children with”, writes Revolutionary Guards’ Fars news agency on March 8.

The bread problem in the region is so much that many people can’t even afford wheat flour to bake bread with, grinding chestnut instead with so much difficulty so as to bake bread with its flour.

Bread, however, is not people’s only problem here. Some people have no place to live, so they’ve moved into tents. Some other have built houses of stone and clay, using firewood for heating.

In some of these places, animals live next to humans.

Lack of fuel for heating is another problem the villagers are suffering from, forcing them to turn to firewood for heating their houses, cooking, etc.

The strange point, though, is that the region is close to the city of Masjed Soleyman, where Iran’s first oil well was found. Now, in country’s most oil-reach region, people are in need of a gallon of kerosene.

The state-run news agency then tries to shed crocodile tears, saying “looking at these poor children whose families couldn’t afford a pair of shoes for them, so that they had to walk barefoot on a ground full of mud and stones, and with improper clothes in a cold and rainy weather, brought us nothing but regret and shame. We couldn’t believe so much deprivation even after seeing these scenes.”

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