Thursday, July 18, 2024

IRAN: Tehran protest halts police action to confiscate satellite dishes

NCRI - A protest erupted in Tehran after Iranian police began removing satellite dishes from the roofs of homes and hurling them into the...

IRAN: Senior clerics say women can’t sing

NCRI – Two senior clerics in Qom announced that women cannot sing in Iran. Nouri Hamedani and Makarem Shirazi in their lectures in Qom...

Iran: 170 members of parliament received bribes

NCRI – The disclosure of bribery by 170 members of mullahs’ parliament is a scandal that regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei is trying to cover...

Iran: Ahvaz residents protest regime’s inaction on dust pollution

Resident in the southern Iranian city of Ahvaz took to the streets on Friday (January 30) to protest against the Iranian regime’s lack of...

Iranian regime bans tours on Yalda, celebration for arrival of winter

The Iranian regime has banned tours on this year's Yalda festival - which marks the Northern Hemisphere’s shortest night of the year - and...

Iran: Official figures reveal persistence of high illiteracy

The head of the state-run Literacy Movement Organization in Iran has acknowledged that some 10 million Iranians over the age of 6 cannot read...

Iran loses right to stage Asian Volleyball championship

Iran's hosting of Asian Men's Volleyball Championship has been cancelled, the Iranian Volleyball Federation has acknowledged. The prestigious men's event will instead be held...
Rouhani’s government slashes bread subsidy by 40 per cent

Iran- Rouhani’s government slashes bread subsidy by 40 per cent

The Iranian government is to reduce its state subsidy for bread by 1,500 tomans for the next fiscal year, making the country's staple diet...

Iran: Tap water pollution in 8 districts in Tehran

NCRI - On Thursday, December 4, a council member of Tehran said that in 8 districts of this city tap water is polluted and...

Iran: Keeping pet dogs could have you receive 74 lashes

NCRI – A group of members of parliament in Iran presented a bill that would require those who keep, sell, buy and walk pet...