Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Can Khamenei Afford to Ignore the Voice of Iran Revolution?

On November 6, 1978, in a televised speech that was broadcast to the entire nation, Mohammadreza Pahlavi, the last monarchial dictator, the Shah, acknowledged...

44th Day of Nationwide Uprising, Major Protest in Arak with Chants of “Death to...

Iran Protests- No. 91 University students chanted: “IRGC is ISIS, these plots are repeated,” “It's time for revolution, it's November again.” On Saturday, October 28, on...

Iran: Celebrating October 29, Cyrus the Great Day

Cyrus was a great champion of freedom, justice, and human rights during one of the darkest periods of human history. At the height of slavery,...
dead_body, suicide

World Suicide Prevention Day and Rising Number of Suicides in Iran 

September 10 marked World Suicide Prevention Day, while cases of suicides in Iran are rising. “We had 4200 cases of suicides last year,” the...

Iran’s State Media (IRIB) Devours Dirty Money and Airs Propaganda 

Now and then, a state-affiliated corruption case comes into the spotlight in Iran. After the recent astronomical embezzlement in the Mobarakeh Steel Company, Iran's...

Increasing Social Harms in Iran and Its Consequences

A heart-wrenching video from Iran shows a little girl selling her drawing to make a living. This video only shows a glimpse of the...

Iran’s Water Crisis and Social Consequences

Many aspects of daily life, such as food production, power generation, manufacturing, and sanitation of humanity and other species, depend on water’s presence. However,...

Flooding Causing Loss of Lives and Massive Devastations in Iran

Heavy flooding and landslide have devastated Iran’s landscape for the past two weeks. It has caused many lives and economic damages across the country....

Iran’s Regime Survives and Thrives From Crises 

Natural disasters, economic woes, and social crises could happen in any country. But what distinguishes democratic countries from authoritarian regimes is their response to...

Iran Regime’s Darooyar Plan: Another Plot to Deprive Iranians from Their Healthcare

Millions of Iranians are forced to buy more expensive medicine or go without it, as the prices of prescription drugs will increase by 20...