Saturday, July 20, 2024

Drones Banned in Tehran, IRGC Concerned of Khamenei’s Security

NCRI - Deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Tharallah Garrison said flying personal and private drones is banned in Tehran. “The IRGC Tharallah Garrison is...

Iran: Ahvaz Protests a Prelude to Events Which Will Rattle the Mullahs’ Entire Foundation

The city of Ahvaz in southwest Iran has been the scene of continuous unrest. Tensions continue to rise between the new U.S. administration and...

Iran: Looming Environmental Catastrophe in Oil Rich Khuzestan Province

NCRI - The state-run ‘Mardom Salari’ in its February 16th editorial said Iranian regime officials have executed various plans to reroute river waters, excessive...

Corruption in Iran’s Red Crescent

NCRI - There is a huge amount of corruption within Iran’s Red Crescent, due to interference by the Iranian Regime, according to a report by...

Iran Regime’s MP: Our Detachment From People Is a Great Risk, We Need to...

NCRI - The plenary session of Iranian regime’s parliament on Wednesday last week was filled with warnings and concerns expressed by regime’s bands over the...

Iran – the Disasters Could Not Be Concealed

NCRI - Despite repeated failures, the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (police) and other state-run institutions once again are planning to collect the children of...

Iran Regime Sold the Corpse of an Executed Prisoner for $3,000

NCRI - Selling unclaimed corpses in Iran has been widely noticed in recent weeks after it was found that medical colleges are paying up to...

IRAN: MPs Warn Khuzestan Electricity, Water and Communication Blackout Is Becoming National Threat

NCRI - Members of the Iranian regime’s parliament and experts warn the recent electricity, water and communication blackout in southern oil reach province of Khuzestan...

Iran: Tehran Bazaar Is Not Safe and Acts Like a Time Bomb

NCRI - Acknowledging the lack of safety in Tehran Bazaar, a member of Tehran City Council said that Tehran Bazaar is like a time bomb...

Brain Drain From Iran – Culture and Society

NCRI - Iran is ranked number one in ‘brain drain’ among 91 developing and non-developed countries, according to a report by the IMF. According to the...