Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Booming Market of Indian Counterfeit Medicines in Iran

NCRI - The presence of counterfeit drugs in the Iranian market is not a phenomenon that has recently been discovered. But this time, the...

Iran’s Inactive Population Reaches Over 61%

  NCRI - The state-run Mehr News on July 15, 2017, wrote, "The inactive population has reached over 61% in Iran." Mehr News admitted that most of...

Gradual Departure of Red Meat From Iranian Families’ Table

NCRI - The price of red meat in Iran is still fluctuating between 40 to 50 thousand Toman per kilogram (~$15) and the result...

Iran Regime’s Filtering Committee: 30% of Free and Active Telegram Channels Are Against the...

NCRI - The Secretary of Iran's Filtering Committee announced the discovery of 40 thousand Telegram channels working against the regime; stating that 8 thousand...

Agonizing Surge of Child Laborers in Iran

NCRI - In an interview with the state-run ISNA news agency on July 14, 2017, Deputy Director of Iran regime’s Association for the Protection...

The Ministry of Roads and Urban Development: 33% of Iran’s Population Below the Poverty...

NCRI - According to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, 33% of Iran's population lives under the poverty line. On July 12, 2017,...

Iran: Iran Regime’s Brutal Suppression of Defenseless People

According to reports, Iranian police forces in the city of Ahvaz (southwestern Iran) have arrested members of a family because of so called lack...

The State Welfare Organization of Iran: We Cannot Afford to Keep 3000 Orphans!

NCRI - The 3000 orphans are abandoned without any support and the organizations of the Iran regime, which themselves are the main contributors to...

Iran Regime MP: The Crisis in Lake Urmia Endangers the Lives of 12 Million...

  NCRI - The Iranian MP, Rouhollah Hazratpour in an interview with the state-run media on June 5, 2017, stated, "The statistics revealed on Lake Urmia...

Iran Regime’s Meteorological Organization Crisis Management: 95% of the Country’s Land Is in Drought

NCRI - Head of the Iranian regime’s Meteorological Organization Crisis Management admitted that 95% of the country’s land is in a state of drought. Shahrokh...