Like the City of Tehran, Iran Regime Is Vulnerable Against Crisis




NCRI – According to state-run ILNA news agency, Mohammad Ali Najafi, former member of Tehran city council in a speech considered the collapse of Plasco building “a warning for the authorities” and Iranian regime leaders and said: “authorities should know that Tehran is a defenseless city.”
Najafi then extended this defenselessness to the entire regime and said the Islamic regime “is facing challenges that, if not addressed, will become crisis.”

Former member of Tehran city council, addressing the regime’s leaders and officials, said: “Environmental issues and problems, drought, social damages and economic problems must not be allowed to be converted to political crises and security issues.”

He emphasized, “Economic corruption of the country is tied with the political issues and this could “endanger the whole system (regime),” and added, “We must think about solving these problems before the situation turns upside down.” However, Najafi admitted that unfortunately there is no determination or will inside the regime to reach a solution for the current problems.
In another part of his speech, Najafi described the country’s situation as “very critical” and likened it to the situation of Tehran city council and added that in the meetings of that council very few raised issues were really addressed.


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