Life in the Shantytowns: Result of Mullahs’ Rule in Iran

Millions of homeless people live in slums in Iran due to the corruption and plundering of the Iranian people's resources by the current ruling mullahs

Mud-huts used as homes in shantytowns are among the gloomiest symbols of poverty in Iran. These huts, which take only a couple of days to erect, multiply rapidly, and then are destroyed by the Iranian regime’s police or municipality agents.

Life in the slums usually goes together with unemployment and the absence of sanitation or schools.

In Iran today, over 20 million people out of about 80 million

— Maryam Rajavi (@Maryam_Rajavi)

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) March 10, 2016

Astan Quds Razavi” is under the control and supervision of the Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei. No one is allowed to question this huge financial system, and it is exempt from paying taxes.

According to the regime’s statistics, this institute covers 40 huge and active front companies. Large textile factories, carpets, Quds Razavi Mines Organization, Shahab Khodro factory and agricultural establishments, livestock husbandry, Thamen Pharmaceutical Company as well as numerous service companies form this giant economic source. By law, these institutions, which all have economic returns, are exempt from taxation – taxes that should be used directly to improve the living conditions of the lower social classes.

If we consider the socio-economic status of Mashhad like pieces of a puzzle, a clear picture of injustice will form. Villagers lack water for crop cultivation while the regime’s huge economic institutions earn billions of dollars and plunder the Iranian people.  Yet it is unclear where they keep their revenue.

The Iranian regime’s long-time oligarchy and plundering policies, such as the Astan-e-Quds institution will end. Mashhad was the birthplace of Iran’s 2018 uprisings that quickly spread over 142 cities. These uprisings will bring the mullahs’ regime down.

Yaghoub Naseri, commander of the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) for the Imam-Reza region in Mashhad, on September 27, at the Friday prayers’ sermon echoed the regime’s fear of a possible uprising. Referring to the 2018 uprising, he said: “The citizens of Mashhad shouldn’t copy what others do in other cities.”

This shows the regime’s ongoing fear and promises the downfall of this regime that has ruined people’s lives.

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