Iran’s Regime Mistreats and Fires Medical Staff Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Iran: A nurse in a Tehran hospital amid widespread outbreaks of coronavirus in the country
Iran coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to claim more lives in Iran, in another inhumane measure the Iranian regime has started to fire medical staff or leave them unequipped, despite their ongoing sacrifices.  

Mohammad Mirza Beigi, the Director-General of the regime’s Nursing System Organization, in a letter to the Minister of Health, Saeed Namaki, on Saturday, demanded the immediate review of the status of the fired nurses. He called this action a rather “odd and unexpectable” move. Mirza Beigi said that some private hospitals, which are mainly affiliated to the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) or other suppressive organization, have fired or balanced these selfless nurses under the “bogus claim” of “the coronavirus consequences.” 

In addition to his letter, Mohammad Mirza Beigi told the state-run daily Etemad: “(In Iran), nurses are highly skilled both scientifically and technically. Their morale is so high that people are amazed, but our equipment is not enough. On the other hand, our numbers are very, very, very, very few. … The president has repeatedly promised to hire 20,000 nurses. About 5,000 to 6,000 have been hired so far, and 3,000 since the crisis. Our dear nurses are exhausted. Our situation was chronic before the Coronavirus outbreak, and now it is worse. … Their wages and overtime are usually delayed by an average of 12 months,” he added. 

Job insecurity has overshadowed more than 7,000 private sector nurses. Before the Corona crisis, private hospitals had higher revenues through surgery, visits, and hospitalizations, and their tariffs were not comparable to those in the public sector. Now the situation is different; the patient’s admission cycle is minimal, and operations are almost closed. 

Since the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, the regime has been conducting a criminal cover-up. For this reason, officials have been arresting or threatening the medical staff who tell the truth about the virus dimensions.  For example, Dr. Rahim Yousefpour from the city of Saqqez in Kurdistan Province was summoned by the regime’s judicial authorities. He had to report in on Sunday, April 5 

“I warned about Covid-19 a month ago. For this reason, the authorities summoned me eight times. I have to appear in court for telling the truth… If you don’t see me again, it’s not because of being infected with coronavirus or a road accident,” he said in a video published online.  

Since the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, hundreds of the medical staff have lost their lives, yet the regime does nothing to help them.  

In this regard, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s president-elect, has offered her condolences on the loss of lives and hailed the nation’s doctors and nurses for their sacrifices despite all limitations imposed by the ruling religious fascism. “They are symbols of pride for the Iranian nation,” she said.  

“We commemorate the physicians and nurses who lost their lives to provide care to the #Coronavirus patients. They risk their own lives while their basic rights have been trampled for years under the mullahs’ rule. All of us feel indebted to these selfless women and men,” she added. 

While arresting, firing or mistreating Iranian nurses and doctors, the regime continues to help its proxy terrorist groups. Information obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) from within the IRGC indicates that the Quds Force is continuing to transfer cash to the Hezbollah in Lebanon. Part of the money is sent in the form of special packages and suitcases carried by the Quds Force’s Intelligence Protection Officers in flights from Tehran to Lebanon.  

The mullahs’ regime, through its apologists and lobbyists, has been trying to blame U.S. sanctions as the reason for the high mortality rate in Iran because of the coronavirus. But the regime’s officials’ approach toward the Iranian medical staff confirms that the regime’s inaction and cover-up are indeed the reasons for the escalating coronavirus outbreak in Iran.  

As Mrs. Rajavi said on April 1: “What has made our country seriously vulnerable in the face of diseases and natural disasters is a brutal and pilfering dictatorship that does not hesitate to commit any imaginable crime to preserve its disgraceful rule.” 



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