Iranian regime: Facebook is enemy of the regime

NCRI – An Iranian regime official declares Facebook as the “enemy” of the regime, and a cause of “public disorder” which with “hundreds of millions of pages of criminal content” is a threat for the regime’s “national security.”

In an interview with state-run Fars news agency on Sunday, December 8, a government official claimed that one of the problems about Facebook is that it has turned into a tool to support the dissidents in Iran.

Abdolsamad Khoramabadi, official from the board overseeing Internet in Iran, added that the Facebook was used for the “overthrow” of the regime in 2009 and based on the recent speech by Ali Khamenei, this social network is unlikely that its filtering be lifted.

Khoramabdi who is also a judicial advisor to the country’s Prosecutor General blamed Facebook for having “hundreds of millions of criminal content” against “morality, chastity and national security of the country”.

The government official emphasized that the judicial system can deal with anyone inviting others to become a member of this social network.

The moral and security police chief also reported of hard controls over all social websites including Instagram and VChat.

He said that the security forces are present in the virtual world of internet and monitor websites such as Facebook, Instagram and VChat.

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