Iran under mullahs the most restrictive in Internet access – Report

NCRI – A U.S. based watchdog group has declared the Iran under the clerical rule among the regimes that are most restrictive in terms access to the Internet.

Freedom House published its findings on October 3 in the new edition of its report titled the “Freedom of the Net.”

The report that covers the Internet access in 60 countries between May 2012 and April 2013 says Iran, Cuba, and China remain among the most restrictive countries in terms of access to the Internet and censorship.

According to the report, blocking and filtering, cyberattacks against opposition, surveillance, arrests, physical attacks, and murder are among the methods used to control access to the Internet.

Meanwhile , the Fox news said in a report this week that in Iran “since the 2009 uprisings, roughly $76 million of the total $11.5 billion allocated to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has been spent on cyberwarfare. “

“Iran’s cyberpolice monitor the Internet, various websites, blogs and individuals suspected of using circumvention tools designed to evade the censors,” the report added.



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