Iran: Tap water pollution in 8 districts in Tehran


NCRI – On Thursday, December 4, a council member of Tehran said that in 8 districts of this city tap water is polluted and undrinkable.

The health minister retorted that there is no problem with the water in Tehran.

Rahmatollah Hafezi, council member of Tehran, said in an interview with the official news agency ISNA: “Analyses of samples taken in September in Tehran show that in 8 districts tap water is polluted.”

He added: “The evidence of water pollution in Tehran was sent to an official control agency and the Minister of Health was informed of this case.”

Following the publication of this council member’s statement, Hassan Hashemi – the health minister in the government of Mullah Rouhani – denied the reports and complained about the media coverage of the case.

However, the minister acknowledged that the water pumped from aquifers contains “some impurities, especially nitrate”.

According to experts, in recent years, the authorities have not made the necessary investment to maintain urban infrastructure in Tehran and it is for this reason that we are now witnessing a deterioration in the quality of water in this megalopolis.

According to local authorities, the general director of the agency responsible for the management of water supply and sewage in Tehran has ordered the shutdown of pumping water from 3 wells because of the high levels of nitrate found.

Recently, several members of the Tehran City Council have sounded the alarm about the deterioration of the water quality in the Iranian capital.

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