IRAN: Suppressive forces beat bakery owner for selling food during Ramadan, protests ensue


NCRI – Agents of the Iranian regime’s suppressive state security forces (police) beat a bakery owner with batons earlier this week west of Tehran.

The regime’s agents came to close down the bakery, in Beheshti Street in Heidar-Abad on Sunday, June 12, for selling food during Ramadan.

The owner attempted to show them his license, which allowed him to sell food during Ramadan but police beat him and took him to the police station.

This action sparked a protest and the suppressive forces were heckled by witnesses.

That same morning, the suppressive forces closed several fast food restaurants and supermarkets in some vicinities in Karaj, west of Tehran, including Azimieh, Kuy-E-Ghaem, Heidar-Abad and Golshahr for selling food during Ramadan.

In some cases, the suppressive forces tried to blackmail supermarket sellers in order to issue them the necessary work permits.

Nevertheless, the repressive police forces closed the supermarkets and fast food restaurants by force.

The business owners argued with the repressive forces who later arrested two shop owners under the pretext of so-called religious principles.

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