Iran-Students suppressed and segregated at Iran’s dilapidated universities

Suppression of students, dilapidated facilities and gender segregation are rife at universities across Iran, according to the latest reports from students in Iran.

The separation of male and female students is now in force in universities in Tehran, Arak and Elm-o San’at.

At Tehran University’s Agricultural and Natural Resources College, officials have imposed gender separation in the restaurant. At Arak, semesters are separated and classes for female students are scheduled for the month of February.

Classes and the cafeteria at Elm-o San’at University have also imposed gender segregation.

One of Arak’s university dormitories has run out of already crumbling accommodation, no pavements have been constructed for students and its cafeteria lacks many basic facilities, but despite continuous student objections, officials have not taken any action.

At Elm-o San’at University, the female dormitory has become overcrowded. Fees have been increased and a 10pm curfew imposed on students, who also have no access to the Internet.

Female dormitories at Tehran University have been assessed as unhygienic and are becoming a breeding ground for diseases, according to further reports. The government is also holding large cash deposits from student here who intend to study abroad.

At Sardasht University in Arak, many buildings are still under construction, with the only two completed structures being the technical and science colleges, making it impossible for students of other subjects to study on campus.

And at Tehran’s Key University – known as ‘Iran’s Scientific Heart’ – officials have even failed to provide storage space for clothes and shoes.

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Students protest across Iran at price rises and poor facilities

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