Iran’s Welfare Minister Paraded Infants’ Nursery


NCRI – The visit of the Iran’s Welfare Minister to a special charity complex and how the infants were lined up in front of him caused a lot of criticism on social networks and even raised the noise among some of government agencies. At this visit, which took place on Monday, June 19, 2017, were Ali Rabiei, Shahindokh Molarudi, in charge of women’s affairs in clerical regime, Elham Aminzadeh, the deputy chairman of the president’s office, and Mohsen Bandpay, head of the Iranian regime’s welfare organization, visited Amina’s nursery in Tehran.

The government website of Mashreq news, in an article titled “Visiting or Parade of Officials from Infants”, has written: “At this event, personnel and coaches of this center, lined up infants and children which some of them were disabled in the corridors of the center, , so that officials could do their visit more quickly. This would come across not a visit, but somewhat similar to a parade”.

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