Iran Regime’s Senior Mullah: The Rise of Divorce, Poverty and Theft Is Due to Abandoning “The Promotion of Virtue”


NCRI – The representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in Fars province admitted that social damages in 2016 in various fields, such as addiction, lower number of marriages, growing divorce, poverty, unemployment and so on, were more than 2015 and claimed this was due to abandoning “the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.”

According to the terrorist Qods Force News Agency, Tasnim, Mullah Asadollah Imani acknowledged people’s hatred toward the regime and added: There is indifference to the religious duties in the society. The Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has literally been abandoned.

This government clergy added, “Spirituality is not the same as in the past … In some families, religion evasion has been created.

Khamenei’s representative in Shiraz also referred to people’s hatred toward the state mullahs and said: Discrepancies between the words and deeds of the authorities have caused people’s distrust… This distrust has expanded to the clergy and the trust that used to be given to the clergy in the past, has been lost due to the discrepancies seen in the authorities’ faces.

Asadollah Imani said that corruption and influence are rampant in the government offices and added: “This is very common in the recruitment of government offices, and people are upset and complaining about this.”

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